Analysis of the application of remote education in pandemic times




e-learning, m-learning, u-learning, video conference, accessibility.


The pandemic caused by Covid-19 imposed challenges in the continuity of the training itineraries without face-to-face classes. In the investigation, there are existing resources that can instrumentalize remote education, as well as its limits, in courses on the information and communication axis of a technical school. A descriptive-exploratory quantitative, research was used, with data analysis by means of non-parametric statistics, having as data collection the indications in a questionnaire filled out by teachers and students. The results demonstrate the need for continuing teacher training on the use of resources in remote education and attention to the unfavorable environmental conditions of students in participating / carrying out educational activities at home.


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How to Cite

Giordano, C. V., Vasconcelos, V. M. S., Gonçalves, L. C., & Araujo, A. M. de. (2021). Analysis of the application of remote education in pandemic times. Revista Cientí­fica Hermes, 29, 3–17.

