Climate change in the vision of students teaching São Paulo city schools east, Brazil


  • Marcel Sena Fernandes Pesquisador do GEPEC
  • Alfredo Pena-Vega Professor do Centro Edgar Morin – EHESS – Paris
  • Alessandro Marco Rosini Centro Universitario das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas
  • Izabel Petraglia Doutora em Educação pela USP Professora da UniFMU e do GEPEC – Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Complexidade/CNPq.



Climate changes, Pupils, Secondary School.COP 21.


The text deals with a research project, on international networks, which is concomitantly carried out in schools of São Paulo, in Brazil and in twelve other countries. The guiding reference point is Edgar Morin’s epistemolgy of complexity and the multidimensional methodology consists in bibliographic and field research: observation, focus groups, interviews and seminarswith pupils of three Secondary Schools of São Paulo. In the final phase, the research has duration of four school years and the first phase, culminating in the presentation of the results in the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21), in Paris, in the year of 2015.On the basis of an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinaryapproach of the knowledge about climate change,we understand that school can sensibilise the pupils to the broadening of the ecological view of reality. The purpose of this text is to present the first results of observations of this study, the primordial objective of which is to establish responsible actionsfor the exercise of planetary citizenship, among Secondary School pupils. We wish young people to become conscious citizens in their choices and in their social,ethical and political commitments. 

Author Biographies

Marcel Sena Fernandes, Pesquisador do GEPEC

Mestre em Educação pela UNINOVE

Pesquisador do GEPEC


Alfredo Pena-Vega, Professor do Centro Edgar Morin – EHESS – Paris

Centro Edgar Morin – EHESS – Paris 
Doutor em Sociologia pela Universidade de Paris VII

Alessandro Marco Rosini, Centro Universitario das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas

Professor Mestrados Administração FMU

Izabel Petraglia, Doutora em Educação pela USP Professora da UniFMU e do GEPEC – Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Complexidade/CNPq.

Endereço para correspondência: Rua Albuquerque Lins, 993 apto 172 – São Paulo/SP – CEP – 01230-001 – Brasil.


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How to Cite

Fernandes, M. S., Pena-Vega, A., Rosini, A. M., & Petraglia, I. (2016). Climate change in the vision of students teaching São Paulo city schools east, Brazil. Revista Cientí­fica Hermes, 16, 223–245.

