The Presence of Ecological Arguments in Advertisements in three National Magazines
advertisements, ecological appeal, printed media, written mediaAbstract
Society has been looking for the industrialization process followed by an economic progress.In this search, the environmental resources have been used as unlimited. The consumer whoclaims social justice and environmental sustainability is making a conscientious consumption.One of the ways in which one person may have access to the corporation actions is throughthe green marketing. Thus, in this paper, we have aimed to verify if ecological appeals arepresent in some advertisements. We analyzed three magazines: ÉPOCA, from GloboRevista CientÃfica Hermes 1: 10-18, 2009publishing house; Isto É, from Três publishing house and Veja, from Abril publishing houseand we found 142 advertisements. Transport was the class which presented the greatestecological appeals, 58,82%, because of the Brazilian Institute of Environment and RenewableNatural Resources label, a legal obligation - Resolução CONAMA Nº 18, de 6 de maio de1986. Our results may help companies to have better product-consumer relationship andhigher social and environmental value.References
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