A Sustainable Company and its Contributions to Society: Case Study of EDP-Energias do Brazil S.A
sustentabilidade, benefícios, setor de energia elétricaAbstract
Sustainability is a reality that can be understood as the use of resources to meet the need of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This article seeks to highlight the importance of sustainability in the business environment and show how companies are pressured by the market, the society - more aware of its role - and regulators that not only alert and educate, but are also more rigorous in their inspections so that their activities are permeated with social and environmental responsability. It is an exploratory and descriptive study as it addresses generally the importance of sustainability for business by providing benefits related to corporate image, tax incentives and credit facilitation as well as contribution to society through cultural projects and environmental policies.
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