Circular economy: case study at the ABC company


  • Délvio Venanzi Fatec Sorocaba
  • Orlando Roque da Silva Instituto de Inovação Shumpeler
  • Amanda Seifert Faculdade de Tecnologia de Sorocaba



circular economy, sustainability, electronic waste


The circular economy (EC) is seen as a key process to promote the dissociation between high resource consumption and economic growth. It has numerous benefits, but there are still gaps between its theory and the implementation process. This article aims to analyze and highlight the advantages and benefits of applying the circular economy, as well as identifying important points to face barriers and reach opportunities in the manufacturing sector. The research strategy adopted was exploratory research carried out through interviews, with people from the company involved in the subject in question. The result showed that the development of partnerships is fundamental in the circular economy. In the researched company, the partnerships, to optimize the reverse logistics, allowed to reduce the customer costs by up to 30% and increase the collection time by 50%.

Author Biographies

Délvio Venanzi, Fatec Sorocaba

Coordenação de gestão da qualidade

Orlando Roque da Silva, Instituto de Inovação Shumpeler

Doutorado em Engenharia de Produção e Mestre em Administração.

Consultor de Empresas.

Amanda Seifert, Faculdade de Tecnologia de Sorocaba

Tecnólogo em logística


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How to Cite

Venanzi, D., da Silva, O. R., & Seifert, A. (2021). Circular economy: case study at the ABC company. Revista Cientí­fica Hermes, 30, 286–301.

