The effect of ERP and CRM systems implementation on customer satisfaction


  • Reginaldo Pereira da Silva Centro Paula Souza
  • Napoleão Verardi Galegale Centro Paula Souza e PUC-SP



Productive Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Satisfaction.


This study aims to analyze the effect of ERP and CRM systems on customer satisfaction. More specifically, evaluate the correlation between the ERP and CRM systems implementation and the customer satisfaction indicators, such as completed and on-time orders, by comparing data before and after systems implementation. For this, the field research method was used through the quantitative analysis of primary data, obtained from a multinational company in the scientific and health equipment sector, selected non-probabilistically, but the selection met the condition of the company. have a mature customer satisfaction assessment process using indicators based on a survey sent to each sales order shipped. The survey results indicated that the survey of 16 questions with 759 respondents, performed by the company, presented optimal internal consistency, measured by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. However, although the response averages tended to improve after the implementation of the ERP and CRM systems, from a statistical point of view, such improvement cannot be considered significant, since the averages are within the same range. confidence. It is recommended to develop a new line of investigation including the behavioral evaluation of other operational and financial variables, such as inventory turnover, sales revenue and profitability, also considering the lag effect evaluation after the ERP and CRM systems implementation.

Author Biographies

Reginaldo Pereira da Silva, Centro Paula Souza

Executivo de Tecnologia da Informação com mais de 25 anos de experiência, atuando em várias empresas multinacionais. 

Mestrando do curso Gestão de Tecnologia em Sistemas Produtivos no Centro Paula Souza

Napoleão Verardi Galegale, Centro Paula Souza e PUC-SP

Doutor - Controladoria e Contabilidade - USP

Mestre - Engenharia de Produção - USP

Graduado - Ciências Contábeis - USPGraduado - Processamento de Dados - FATEC.Professor e pesquisador - PUC/SPProfessor e pesquisador - Centro Paula Souza.Editor da Revista CAFI.Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa em Gestão Estratégica da Tecnologia da Informação (CNPq).Consultor em Engenharia de Produção e Administração, ênfase em TI: Governança Corporativa e TI, Sistemas de Informações para Tomada de Decisões, Sistemas Integrados de Gestão, Auditoria de Sistemas, Segurança da Informação, Análise de Risco, Banco de Dados.


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How to Cite

da Silva, R. P., & Galegale, N. V. (2020). The effect of ERP and CRM systems implementation on customer satisfaction. Revista Cientí­fica Hermes, 27, 184–207.

