Distance Learning in higher Education in Brazil: an over view


  • Adriana Clementino
  • Yasmin Rodrigues Ajouri
  • Diego Borda Souza
  • Wellington S. Fernandes
  • Sthefany R. Dutra




higher education, e-learning, teaching-learning process


The constant technological advances have changed the ways people relate, communicate, playand learn. In this scenario, Distance Education - educational modality in Brazil for over acentury - has gained strength and has recreated its features and its ways to make distanceeducation in this country, bringing great promises for the democratization of education.Distance Education courses have outnumbered the Presence modality in higher education,Revista Científica Hermes 6: 6-15, 2012however not all educational institutions that have chosen to offer distance learning courses viathe Internet are fully committed to the quality of education provided. Based on this fact anddue to expansion of the type of education, the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC)considered it essential to define the principles, guidelines and criteria that are benchmarks ofquality for institutions offering distance education courses in higher education. From thesedidactic and pedagogical guidelines higher education institutions must create theirPedagogical Political Projects in order to offer distance college courses.


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How to Cite

Clementino, A., Ajouri, Y. R., Souza, D. B., Fernandes, W. S., & Dutra, S. R. (2012). Distance Learning in higher Education in Brazil: an over view. Revista Cientí­fica Hermes, 6. https://doi.org/10.21710/rch.v6i0.52




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