Development of the social technology for constructing service workers’ ethics of behavior


  • Anastasia Vilyamovich St. Petersburg State University of Economics
  • Mariia Rubtcova Department of Social Management and Planning. Saint Petersburg State University
  • Vladimir Pavenkov Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping.


Palabras clave:

organization, ethics, business ethics, ethics of conduct, Russia, social technology, ethics of employees, ethics of leaders.


The findings of our previous research of the  social  construction  of  the  ethics  of  the  employees  of  the service industry in St. Petersburg in 2014 (N135) and in 2016 (N483)  have been added to the modern research analysis of ethics constructing processes in an organization. The article presents a managerial aspect of the problem, specifically the development of a social technology for constructing service workers’ ethics of behavior. The results of the technology introduction into the activities of an organization in Russia are also submitted for consideration.

Biografía del autor/a

Anastasia Vilyamovich, St. Petersburg State University of Economics

Graduated   from the Pomor State University named after   M. V. Lomonosov, Management Department, specialist area “Enterprise Management”. Now she is a doctoral student at St. Petersburg State University of Economics.

Mariia Rubtcova, Department of Social Management and Planning. Saint Petersburg State University

Doctor of Sociology – Department of Social Management and Planning. Saint Petersburg State University

Vladimir Pavenkov, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping.

Doctor of History – Department of Russian History, Political Science and Sociology. Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping.


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Cómo citar

Vilyamovich, A., Rubtcova, M., & Pavenkov, V. (2021). Development of the social technology for constructing service workers’ ethics of behavior. Revista Científica Hermes, 30, 177–201.


