Mission, vision and organizational values of education, Science and Tecnology Federal Institutes from Brazil





federal institutes, mission, values, vision


The present study aimed to identify the structures of the mission, vision and organizational values of the 38 Education, Science and Tecnology Federal Institutes (FIs) in Brazil. The institutional statements were analysed according to the models defined by Pearce (1982), Westley and Mintzberg (1989) and Guiso et al. (2015). The research results indicate that 37% of the analysed Institutes present only 3 of the 8 elements of Pearce (1982) model in their missions and products or services are the most present element. Regarding the vision analysis, 72% of the FIs mentioned only 2 of the 5 components of Westley e Mintzberg (1989) model, and “organizational ideals” are the most used component, which correspond to 97,3%. It is concluded that the constant values in “category 1” defined by Guiso et al. (2015) were disclosured in all 38 analysed Institutes, and for the terms frequency in each one of the nine stabilished categories by the mentioned authors, a total of 348 words were observed, of which 120 belong to the constant values in “category 1”. The research contributes for the literature subject especially regarding researches that analyse institutional statements structure, mainly in Brazilian organizations, as well as helping Institutes managers to improve their strategic planning, contributing to decision making and promote better competitiveness of the FIs.

Author Biographies

Karina Graziele Corrêa Rosa, Centro universitário Alves Faria

Mestre em Administração 

Lilian Cristina Garcia Downes, Centro Universitário FMU / Unifesp

Mestranda do mestrado profissional em Administração da FMU / UNIFESP

Leonardo Fabris Lugoboni, Universidade Federal de São Paulo/ Centro Universitário FECAP

Doutor em Administração

Professor do Mestrado em Administração da Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Professor do Mestrado em Administração do Centro Universitário FECAP


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How to Cite

Rosa, K. G. C., Downes, L. C. G., & Lugoboni, L. F. (2023). Mission, vision and organizational values of education, Science and Tecnology Federal Institutes from Brazil. Revista Cientí­fica Hermes, 33(1), 25–46. https://doi.org/10.21710/rch.v33i1.691




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