Stad method application on accountig teaching perspective: colaboratives groups and income divisions


  • Joarlla de Medeiros Macedo Silva Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Gabriela Louise de Vasconcelos Ribeiro Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Tamara Pontes Félix Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Joana Darc Medeiros Martins Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte



STAD, learning, Accounting.


This study aims to examine the perception of the Master's students of the Graduate Program in Accounting at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte on the efficiency, applicability and competencies of the Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) collaborative method applied to accounting teaching, besides The aim is to verify, empirically, the efficiency of STAD applied to environmental accounting. The research has a qualitative and quantitative approach, in case study format, whose data were obtained through open questionnaire and participant observation. In order to verify students' perception, content analysis was performed using the ATLAS.ti 7® Software. Student's T hypothesis test was used to verify the efficiency of the method, while the Chi-square test verified the relationship between student motivation and learning progress. The results show that the STAD was efficient, considering the statistically significant difference between the scores obtained by the students before and after the application of the method. It was verified that, for the studied sample, the student's motivation is not related to the fact that he / she was successful in the achieved score. According to the students' perception, the method is capable of developing interpersonal skills such as communication, critical thinking and problem solving. In addition, STAD encouraged teamwork, which in turn motivated students during the development of the class.


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How to Cite

Silva, J. de M. M., Ribeiro, G. L. de V., Félix, T. P., & Martins, J. D. M. (2020). Stad method application on accountig teaching perspective: colaboratives groups and income divisions. Revista Cientí­fica Hermes, 28, 470–491.