Contrary the fundamentals of corporate finance: analysis of the value destruction in Petrobras from 2010
Fundamentals of corporate finance, corporate governance, value-based management, systemic and non-systemic riskAbstract
This qualitative research is developed to explore and understand the destruction of value occurred in Petrobras S.A. – this is one of the most intriguing cases involving a publicly traded company in the country. The exploratory nature of research objectives seek to identify the main factors that contributed to the significant loss of market value occurred in the company from 2010. Using the case study method, it is possible to explain the preponderant causal variables of the value destruction promoted in the company. The results of the research indicate that Petrobras S.A. has been subjected in recent years to bad strategic decisions that have run counter to the fundamentals of corporate finance. In addition, exposure to systemic and non-systemic risks and Corporate Governance issues were other determining factors for the Company’s share price decline and its destruction of value. With the company at the center of one of the largest corruption and fraud scandals involving politicians and businessmen in this country, financial market discredit and the scenario of unrealistic future expectations projected by potential investors were additional aspects that intensified the value destruction scenario and which led to significant financial losses for its shareholders. Although some strategic measures to recover the company’s market value have been adopted by the company’s management since 2015, the interest in the topic of value destruction in one of the largest Brazilian publicly traded companies deserves to be analyzed with due methodological rigor by academic research.
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