Company’s size Taxonomy in research: defining and describing medium companies


  • Denilson Aparecida Leite Freire Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Sérgio Nunes Muritiba Instituto Gepra
  • Patricia Morilha Muritiba Universidade Federal do ABC



Definition Media Company, Taxonomy, Profile Media Company.


The sample size of a study is one of the most important steps, methodologically, the study allows for its contextualization and validity. In the case of research in the social sciences, there is a difficulty in the context of the impending sized organizations surveyed. The study revealed the need for standardization of the criteria that define the medium organizations to enable comparative studies and to facilitate economic and financial analyzes. It was clear that the definitions currently used stem from society and very little from academia, pointing to the need for more academic settings. The work also shows that the main obstacles to growth remains the high tax burden and shortage of skilled labor and that the main determinants for future growth reside in investing in corporate governance, human resources and geographic expansion.

Author Biographies

Denilson Aparecida Leite Freire, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Professor do Curso de Administração

Sérgio Nunes Muritiba, Instituto Gepra

Pesquisador de Governança Corporativa e Estratégia

Patricia Morilha Muritiba, Universidade Federal do ABC

Professora do Centro de Engenharia, Modelagem e Ciências Sociais Aplicadas


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How to Cite

Freire, D. A. L., Muritiba, S. N., & Muritiba, P. M. (2017). Company’s size Taxonomy in research: defining and describing medium companies. Revista Cientí­fica Hermes, 19, 536–560.