Crowdfunding as a formula for the financing of projects: an empirical analysis


  • Joan-Francesc Fondevila-Gascón Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Escola Universitària Mediterrani (Universitat de Girona) y Universitat de Barcelona
  • Josep Rom-Rodri­guez Profesor de la Universitat Ramon Llull
  • Judit Mata-Monforte Profesora de la Universitat Ramon Llull
  • Eva Santana-López Profesora de la Universitat Ramon Llull
  • Pere Masip-Masip Profesor de la Universitat Ramon Llull



crowdfunding, marketing, communication, profit-making, non-profit organisations


Crowdfunding offers enormous possibilities for marketing and communication, given that it facilitates the circulation of new projects, generates audiences and creates a loyal social base. Nevertheless, experiences of crowdfunding can be diverse. The aims of this investigation are threefold; to analyse crowdfunding platforms in Spain by means of quantitative and qualitative research methods (descriptive and relational); carry out a comparative study of the efficiency index of crowdfunding campaigns for profit-making projects as compared with campaigns raising money for social causes; and to propose good practice guidelines listing the key points of a successful campaign. The results obtained indicate that the percentage of successful profit-making campaigns is no higher than that for charitable ones, and that compliance with the key points in the proposed good practice guidelines is more likely to result in a successful crowdfunding campaign.

Author Biographies

Joan-Francesc Fondevila-Gascón, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Escola Universitària Mediterrani (Universitat de Girona) y Universitat de Barcelona

Profesor de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Escola Universitària Mediterrani (Universitat de Girona) y Universitat de Barcelona. Director del CECABLE.

Josep Rom-Rodri­guez, Profesor de la Universitat Ramon Llull

Profesor de la Universitat Ramon Llull

Judit Mata-Monforte, Profesora de la Universitat Ramon Llull

Profesora de la Universitat Ramon Llull

Eva Santana-López, Profesora de la Universitat Ramon Llull

Profesora de la Universitat Ramon Llull

Pere Masip-Masip, Profesor de la Universitat Ramon Llull

Profesor de la Universitat Ramon Llull


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How to Cite

Fondevila-Gascón, J.-F., Rom-Rodri­guez, J., Mata-Monforte, J., Santana-López, E., & Masip-Masip, P. (2015). Crowdfunding as a formula for the financing of projects: an empirical analysis. Revista Cientí­fica Hermes, 14, 24–47.




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