Tax on non-alcoholic beverages and their consumption in Ecuador


  • Edison Roberto Valencia Universidad Técnica de Ambato
  • Tito Patricio Mayorga-Morales



increase, tax on special consumption, sugary drinks


The purpose of this article was to analyze whether the increase in the Special Consumption Tax (ICE) on sugary drinks in April 2016 decreased the intake of these products by the inhabitants of Ecuador. To do this, surveys were applied to 1878 people belonging to the regions of the Coast, Sierra and Amazon. The study results highlighted that despite the increase in this tax, people in urban areas consume this type of beverages at least once a month, and it can also be seen that the largest consumers are adolescents. Although the state implemented this measure, its objective has not been met since the health status of citizens has not improved in recent years.


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How to Cite

Valencia, E. R., & Mayorga-Morales, T. P. (2021). Tax on non-alcoholic beverages and their consumption in Ecuador. Revista Cientí­fica Hermes, 30, 268–285.




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