A survey on the variation of stock price of Petrobras S.A.
ccandlestick, corrupção, jornal Valor Econômico, petróleo brentAbstract
The time period between 2014 and 2016 comprises some of the low stories in Petrobras' papers, since Petrobras began operating on the Bovespa. Concomitantly with this historical period, Brazil was involved in a series of discussions about the political scenario of corruption and oil decline, the objective of this work is to verify possible relationships between the media data released by the newspaper Valor Econômico and the oscillations in the price of Petrobras shares, also comparing the price variation of the barrel of Brent crude oil. For this, a quantitative, exploratory and descriptive research was carried out, in which, it was tried to structure a correlation analysis between variables x and y. The time periods analyzed were selected based on technical analysis, to identify the so-called gaps in the oscillation in Petrobras stock price, in the next step, the data were compared to the oil price and the media data of the same period. The results of the survey revealed a near perfect correlation between oil price and stock fluctuations (96.8%) and revealed no correlation between the media data on corruption and the stock price value in the analyzed period, where p-value = 0.438 and linear correlation coefficient of only −0,130.
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