Accounting Relationship Analysis with Corporate Governance Level
corporate governance, accounting indicators, company value, value based management.Abstract
The industrial revolution, the development of capitalism and the integration of the corporate world has been based of creation of large corporations; thus, was born the issue of the separation of ownership and management while the corporate governance process was initiating. This study has been focused to analyze covers the years 2012, 2013 and 2014 on the level of corporate governance during short term period the financial indicators of companies; In addition, the road equipment segment has justified this research, due to topicality, relevance, increasing demand for research in the area of corporate governance and lack of research for the road equipment segment. The years from 2012 to 2014 have analyzed with regarding companies listed on Brazilian stock market (also called BOVESPA) and it has considered the size of companies and possible sample’s size. This research shouldn’t be referred to in the industry as a whole conclusion. The main results have found on average are the financial indicators haven’t shown relationship between corporate governance levels for the road equipment segment (transport equipment).
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